Mittwoch, 6. Februar 2013

CQ.Dialog in JS

CQ5 code exmaples are rare, so i will post some Javascript Code, that would have helped me a lot. CQ5 is shipped with Ext JS.
See API docs for more options.
var dialog = new CQ.Dialog({ 'width': 600, 'modal': true, 'resize': false, 'title': 'My Title', 'items': { 'xtype': 'tabpanel', 'items': [ { 'xtype': 'panel', 'title': 'Basic', 'hideMode': 'offsets', 'items': [ { 'xtype': 'textfield', 'fieldLabel': CQ.I18n.get('app.components.some.key'), }, //... ] } ] }, 'buttons': [ { 'text': 'Save', 'handler': function() { //... } }, { 'text': 'Cancel', 'handler': function () { this.close(); } } ]});

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