Dienstag, 9. Dezember 2008

ALT+TAB on windows of all workspaces

If you're using Gnome with Metacity on Linux, you might have experienced, that you can switch between windows using ALT+TAB only between windows of the current workspace.
Apparently you cannot change this just though editing a conf file. To find a remedy you could either use CRTL+ALT+TAB ( which was not the solution i was looking for) or install the superswitcher package.

== Update ==
Actually this package does not do, what it is excepted to do.

Freitag, 5. Dezember 2008

How to change login data of subclipse

Working on a project in eclipse, i copied a perfectly configured eclipse version from a friend of mine. Everything seemed to work fine, except the subclipe plugin, which always suggested the username of my friend, i copied the eclipse from.
Apparently the SVNKit (pure Java) v.1.2.0 does not provide that functionality, therefore you have to do a tiny hack in the eclipse config.
The solution is to delete the keyring file of the eclipse environment.
rm ./configuration/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.keyring

This will remove the cached data.