Mittwoch, 17. April 2013

CQ5 replace Tab in ContentFinder with custom implementation

Adobe already explained how to add a custom tab to Content Finder. In order to replace an existing tab with your custom js file, e.g. movie tab, you simply have to use the same "id" value. For the movie tab, it is cfTab-Movies
{ "tabTip": CQ.I18n.getMessage("Movies"), "id": "cfTab-Movies", "xtype": "contentfindertab", "iconCls": "cq-cft-tab-icon movies", (..) }

1 Kommentar:

  1. it seems this is not bullet proof. On a instance of my client the default-implementation wins because it is found after the custom implementation. So the defaultimplementation is renderd afterwards and "wins". I have no idea why this behaves this way because on the test enviroments it works fine.
